Happy Anniversary? But Not Really.

I got a notification from WordPress today saying that it’s my Anniversary for this lovely blog. And while yes a year ago I did indeed make this page and start browsing around, it wasn’t until November that I got up the courage to actually start posting semi-regularly.

But why did it take 5 months to actually use this blog?

Lack of motivation, forgetfulness, and most of all fear. I was afraid of what people would think of what I had to say. I didn’t know what to write about in the first place. I just was not prepared for having a blog.

I’m not saying that I’m like totally different now. I still think through a lot of my posts (not all of them) and I try really hard to put across myself in everything that I post. I’m still afraid of what the reaction might be occasionally but not as much as I used to be.

In November I will be celebrating the actual anniversary of my first blog post. I find that one a little more of a milestone to me.

Hope your day went good and if not I hope it gets better.


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