Incredibles 2! (A Seizure Problem)


Last week was my husband’s birthday and we decided to go see the brand new Incredibles 2! Before I go on, I will say that I absolutely loved it. The long wait for it was worth it.


It needs an epilepsy/seizure warning.

I have repeatedly posted this on Facebook underneath almost every single advertisement they post for the movie. I had to look away from the movie 5 times, more than I’ve ever looked away for any movie I’ve ever watched. Seriously.

And while some movie theaters are indeed putting up signs warning people of the flashing lights, mine didn’t.

Today someone online actually told me that it’s not up to the movie makers to post a warning but it’s up to the theater to warn people about what may happen during the movie. How is it up to the theater? Did they make the movie? This just makes me sick. After all these years, movie makers should be aware that putting strobe/flashing lights can affect people’s health and make it so that certain people can’t enjoy the movie or even watch it at all.

A little kid who was watching the movie in the same theater as me left and his first comment was not how much he enjoyed it or any excitement about it. The very first thing he said was “I feel dizzy.”

So I’m putting out my own warning right now, telling you that if you are going to watch that movie and you are prone to migraines, epilepsy, seizures, etc please be careful. Your health is more important than a movie.


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